Friday 20 December 2013

Playing Starbound With a Controller On Arch Linux (and Arch based Distros)

Hi all Starbound is a fantastic game but it eats time away, wouldn't it be nice just sometimes to kick back and use a controller. This simple guide will tell you how.

First thing you need is xboxdrv from the AUR, if you have yaourt installed (highly recommended) then use this simple command

yaourt xboxdrv

This should come up with 2 options from the AUR, this may vary if you have different repos included. Either version from the AUR works fine but I choose the one with the most votes. After you have chosen your version check the number beside it and type it in and then press enter. This will start the install, follow the simple prompts, pressing Y, N or entering your password when prompted.

Ok you should now have xboxdrv installed :D The next thing you need is a config especially for Starbound, mine is here. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, after looking at it, you should get a basic idea of how to switch the layout, if you don't like mine, if not contact me for help :D

Next up is running the config, I suggest making a folder for your xboxdrv config files, you then need to open that folder in a terminal either from your file manager (if it has that option) or just using a cd command

cd /file/location/here

To activate xboxdrv, disable the kernel driver(to prevent confusion, trust me it wont work without this) and run your Starbound config use the following command

sudo xboxdrv -c starbound.xboxdrv --detach-kernel-driver

You can now load up Starbound and enjoy with the following controls

Left stick = Move Character (left, right and down to crouch)
Right Stick = Mouse Movement
Left Trigger = Left Mouse Button
Right Trigger = Right Mouse Button
A = Jump
B = Walk/ 1x1 Block Placemnet/Mining
X = interact
Y = Inventory
Right/Left Bumper = Scroll Through Slots 1 - 9
Press Left Stck = Magnifying Glass
Press Right Stick = Show Info
Dpad Up = Inventory
Dpad right = Crafting
Dpad Down = Codex
Dpad Left = Journal
Start = Menu
Back = Chat
Guide (xbox button) = Steam Overlay

To reactivate the kernel driver use the below command then unplug and plug back in your pad

sudo kill xboxdrv && sudo modprobe xpad

Enjoy feel free to suggest improvements or request  configs for other games :D Take Care

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